Often times especially around the holidays , family can be a bit challenging. I know the feeling of being alone can be overwhelming and sometimes exasperating. As an "empty nester" so to speak I can find myself trying to figure out what my next move is going to be for the holidays. I called my dad the other day and said, "Hey dad you have two daughters right"? to imply that it appears I had been forgotten about which of course was not the case spiritually, but conversationally yes I could hear crickets. So of course we had "the conversation" and chuckled off the lack of communication. Well, that night it was brought to my attention via that inner spirit ...as I could not fall right to sleep " hey why don't you be the caller and the initiator regardless. Sometimes we must be willing to stand on the ledge and take all the first steps. Now , if you ever met my dad you would know he is the kindest, most selfless and giving dad you would ever want , but he is not a big communicator. At the end of the day or the end of my life I want to remember our conversations along with our actions. Sometimes family requires more work than strangers but at the end usually your family is standing, sitting or praying their with you.